Shepparton Private Hospital
Part of Ramsay Health Care

Diabetes Education

A Consultant Diabetic Educator provides education and care to Diabetic Patients at Shepparton Private Hospital. The diabetic management of patients is a specialised area requiring liaison with the Nurse Unit Manager, Medical staff and relatives. Consultations with the Diabetes Educator are arranged through the Nurse Unit Manager.


Shepparton Private Hospital employs a Dietician who, in conjunction with our Nurse Unit Managers and Medical staff, provides counselling during admission and on discharge from hospital if required. Referrals are arranged through the Nurse Unit Manager.

Infection Control

A hospital wide Infection Control program is in place to ensure the hospital meets stringent infection control requirements. To ensure Infection Control measures are up to date with current practices and policies the hospital employs a nationally recognised Infection Control Consultancy HICMR and an on- site Infection Control Nurse.

Shepparton Private Hospital supports the “5 Moments” hand hygiene initiative which is coordinated by Hand Hygiene Australia (HHA) and endorsed by World Health Organisation. Audits are undertaken with data being submitted to HHA for benchmarking. We encourage all within the hospital to be mindful of their hand hygiene and support patients and visitors to ask staff “ have they washed their hands?”

Pastoral Care/Chaplaincy Services

Shepparton Private Hospital is a non-denominational hospital and cares for all patients irrespective of religion or nationality. Clergy only visit on patient consent.

Pre-admission Coordinator

Pre-admission Coordinators who are nurses that review all Elective Admissions and will contact you to discuss any concerns regarding your medical history or medications. You may be required to attend the hospital or anesthetist for a more in-depth Pre-admission Review. Pre- admissions will also assist in coordinating any services that you may require to support you on discharge.


Ramsay Pharmacy provides an on site Pharmacy service at Shepparton Private Hospital. All Medical, DVA and surgical patients who have medication changes receive a written comprehensive list of their medications (Medication Profile) on discharge and all inpatients on multiple medications are reviewed by the Pharmacist.

Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy Service

Your treating doctor may refer you to the physiotherapist.

Whilst in Hospital patients may receive chest physiotherapy, assistance in mobilising, assessment for suitable aids e.g. crutches, walking frames and slings. The Occupational Therapist may be able to assist patients by assessing the home environment and suggesting modifications to assist with maintaining independence in activities of daily living e.g., ramps and hand rails.

These services are provided at no cost if they are required as part of you admission diagnosis.

If required a referral for continuation of services after discharge can be arranged by your nursing team.

Pathology Service

Onsite collection and laboratory services provide a comprehensive range of inpatient and outpatient pathology services.

Radiology/Diagnostic Imaging Service

The on-site radiology service provides an extensive range of X-ray, CT, MRI and ultrasound services.

Stomal Therapy Support Services

The Stomal Therapist is a registered nurse who is specifically trained in the physical and emotional management of people who undergo surgery that may result in an abdominal stoma. Their aim is to support the patient and family, before and after surgery, to enable the patient to participate in a full and active family, social and business life.

Veteran Liaison Officer

As a Department of Veteran’s Affairs Veteran Partnering hospital, you have immediate access to our care without the need for prior approval. Our Veteran Liaison Officer is able to offer help and support.

Members of the local veteran community visit frequently. An informal visit from a local member can be arranged with your consent Please ask any member of the tem if you wish to speak with the Liaison Officer