Your Stay at Shepparton Private Hospital
On behalf of Management and Staff, we welcome you to Shepparton Private Hospital.
Our aim is to provide you with exceptional personalised health care so that your stay with us is as pleasant as possible.
Please take time to read the information provided and, if necessary, seek clarification from Nursing Staff.
While we will make every endeavour to provide you with your accommodation preference, please understand that in certain circumstances of high activity or emergency admissions, it may be necessary to offer you a shared room.
Identification of Staff
All employees wear a photo identification badge stating their first name and position held.
Senior Staff
The Executive Staff comprises the –
- Chief Executive Officer
- Director of Clinical Services
Each ward has a Nurse Unit Manager who is supported after hours by the After Hours Co-ordinator.
Catering, Housekeeping and the Front Office have Department Managers.
If you wish to speak to a member of senior staff regarding any aspect of your care, please ask a member of Nursing Staff to arrange this for you.
Allied Health Services
Shepparton Private Hospital is able to provide a wide range of allied health services. Your treating doctor or nursing staff will make the appropriate referrals.
A Physiotherapist is available each week day and Saturdays. If required by your doctor, services can also be provided on Sundays.
Our Dietician and Occupational Therapist visit the hospital on a regular basis and other services such as Speech Therapy and Diabetes Education are provided on request when clinically indicated.
The hospital also employs a Nurse who is a Stomal Therapist.
A Breast Care Nurse is able to be accessed through an arrangement with Goulburn Valley Health.
The hospital also provides placements for a variety of students (nursing, physiotherapy, medical). All students and their teachers will have identification badges. Please note that you have the right to request that students are not involved in your care.
Sub links
About Your Stay
Special Aspects of Care
Customer Service