Customer Service
Providing Feedback
Staff at Shepparton Private Hospital are committed to delivering a health care service of the highest quality. To assist us in providing quality services, we appreciate your feedback.
A ‘Your Impressions’ card is located at the front of this compendium. You can use it to both compliment us on the services provided and offer suggestions for improvement. Completed cards may be placed in boxes at the nurses’ desk or at reception, or may be handed to a member of staff.
Independent surveys are also conducted on behalf of the hospital and you may receive a survey form to complete after discharge.
At times, the hospital may also ask you to complete surveys relating to specific aspects of care.
You may also receive a follow up phone call from a member of nursing staff following your discharge. Please notify nursing staff if you do not wish to receive a call.
At Shepparton Private Hospital, we view complaints as an important source of patient feedback and we accept them as valuable indicators of the service we provide.
If you make a complaint, you will not be adversely affected throughout the process.
Should you have a complaint, it may be directed to the Nurse Unit Manager or the Director of Clinical Services who is the designated Complaints Officer.
Should you be dissatisfied with the response to any complaint made, you may refer to the Office of the Health Services Commissioner.
Management of Incidents
The hospital has an incident management process in place to ensure all incidents (an unplanned event resulting in or having potential for injury, ill health, damage or other loss) are reported and investigated.
Please report any incident you may be involved in or observe to your nurse.
Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) Patients
We thank you for choosing our hospital and understand that as an entitled Veteran, you may have special needs and access to unique services from the Department of Veterans’ Affairs that recognise your contribution to our community.
Shepparton Private Hospital has a Veterans’ Liaison Officer who is available should you require assistance or access to any Veteran services during your admission.
Please speak to the Nurse Unit Manage or Veterans’ Liaison Officer should you have any concerns.
A DVA fact sheet – “Tips to assist with hospital admission and discharge” is available on request.
Veterans’ Affairs representatives from the local RSL provide regular visits to Shepparton Private Hospital.
Veterans will have been requested to sign the Privacy Consent form regarding these visits.
Environmental Performance
Shepparton Private Hospital is making every effort to be environmentally friendly and has introduced a number of initiatives to reduce energy consumption such as the use of heat reflective paint on our roof, and a large number of items including bottles, newspapers and other non-confidential papers are recycled.
We encourage you to assist us in our endeavours by minimising wastage of towels and limiting your time under the shower.
Our usual practice is to change bed linen daily, however, if you spend most of the day out of bed, nursing staff may choose not to routinely change your bed linen. Please let staff know if you do require a linen change or alternatively, if you do not.
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